Criminal Defense
Aggressively Defending Your Rights and Interests
in State and Federal Courts
At the Law Office of Erick Cruz we understand that being charged with a criminal offense is a terrifying experience. While a prison sentence is usually reserved for serious offenses or for those with lengthy criminal records, the consequences of an arrest can have far reaching effects beyond the immediate criminal offense. Although the possibility of being sent to prison is always the greatest concern, your reputation, employment and future prospects are also at stake.
A misdemeanor arrest may result in the loss of your driving privileges. A felony conviction can result in the forfeiture of your right to vote, own a gun or hold public office. If you are not a citizen, the consequences may include deportation. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that you retain an attorney who is willing to dedicate himself and aggressively represent you no matter how small the matter or complicated the case.
At the Law Office of Erick Cruz we are dedicated to representing individuals under criminal investigation or who have been arrested and charged with a crime. Because our office’s exclusive practice focuses on criminal defense, Erick Cruz has established and maintains a positive working relationship with other defense attorneys, prosecutors and criminal court judges. The exclusive focus on criminal defense allows us to dedicate the time and resources necessary to represent you through a criminal investigation, criminal prosecution or post-conviction matters.
To find out more about the types of criminal charges we defend against, click on the highlighted phrases to be directed to in-depth discussion concerning the topic.

Violent Crimes

Drug Crimes

Economic Crimes
- Credit Card Fraud
- ID Theft
- Insurance Fraud
- Medicare Fraud
- Mortgage Fraud
- Organized Fraud

Sex Crimes

Traffic Crimes
- Boating Under the Influence
- Fleeing and Eluding Police Officer
- Leaving Scene of Accident
- Reckless Driving
- Vehicular Homicide

Criminal Justice
- Bail Bonds
- Entrapment
- Investigations
- Juvenile Crimes
- Probation Violations
- Seal / Expunge
- Self-Defense
- Warrants, Holds & Detainers